BLOG 10: Globalization and the Church
Globalization is something that affects
every country and civilization in the world. It is something that is becoming
more apart of people’s lives. David J. Samuels defines globalization as, “The
spread of political, economic, and cultural dynamics among government, groups,
and individuals beyond the borders of any one particular country” (Samuels
346). Overall, despite globalizations
comebacks, it is good for the world and for the Mormon Church as ideas and
views are spread that helps them to convert more people to the gospel.
has benefits and disadvantages, however often times the benefits outweigh the
disadvantages. For example, globalization allows for an increased standard of
living for the populations of the world because as big companies go to poorer
countries, they are able to get benefits and a decent wage (Samuels 363). It
also allows for spread of cultures and ideas because of trade. As countries
become intertwined because of trade they are less likely to go to war. However,
this decreases a countries ability to take care of themselves, because they become
reliant upon different countries to sustain their needs (Samuels 363). This can
become problematic when there are tensions in the region they are reliant upon.
The international community also pays attention to human rights abuses, which
can help to stop things like genocide from happening. However overall
globalization’s benefits outweigh the costs if we compare the two.
Globalization is good for the Mormon
Church. This is because they are now able to go into areas they may have not
been able to before as Western culture is spread to more areas. Donald Cannon and Richard Cowan in their book
“Unto Every Nation” wrote, “Globalization is more than just an interesting
topics; it is an urgent priority. The mission of the Church is to bring all
people everywhere to Jesus Christ so that they might enjoy the eternal fruits
of His gospel” (More Good Foundation 2006). A worldwide Church is certainly in
a better position to accomplish this mission than one that is only local or
even regional. Indeed, as globalization happens, the church is able to spread
their ideas and views easier. No longer is Mormonism just a small church in
Utah, but a worldwide church that can reach to a small village in Africa or a
spacious city such as Mumbai. This is the spread of ideas through
Indeed, it is the church’s mission
to visit every location to try and convince all to come unto Christ. In D&C
84:62 we read: “Therefore, go ye into all the world; and unto whatsoever place
ye cannot go ye shall send, that the testimony may go from you into all the
world unto every creature.” Globalization enables the church to spread the
gospel throughout the world to every creature. Globalization makes people more
willing to accept Western culture and ideas because they are used to it through
seeing Western things like coke. It also spreads ideas such as education for
all, which the church supports.
Globalization also helps the church
by spreading technology. As technology is spread, it is easier to share the
gospel. Not only can members now hear and see the prophet and apostles, but
people can also use the Internet and TV to learn more about the church. This
can make it a lot easier to share the gospel, especially as the church is
increasing their base through things like Internet commercials and their
As the church is spread to countries
through globalization, this can help the people, as they are able to lift
themselves from poverty and other problems such as violence. Living by the
church’s standards can change bad habits and give people resources to help
themselves. For example, things like the church’s perpetual education fund can
help first generation college students to get an education. They can also help
to keep things like genocide from happening by promoting love of God and love
of all people. As people understand the love of God for all people, it will be
easier to love those that they hate.
Globalization is the key to spreading
the gospel, and one of the best ways to make the spreading of the gospel
possible. Where missionaries can’t go, information about the church can go
because of globalization as it spreads different cultures and ideas. It is one
way to fulfill Joseph Smith’s prophecy, “The Standard of Truth has been
erected; no unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing; …the truth of
God will go forth boldly, nobly, and independent, till it has penetrated every
continent, visited every clime, swept every country, and sounded in every ear,
till the purposes of God shall be accomplished, and the Great Jehovah shall say
the work is done.” (Joseph Smith). The work is being done and will continue to
be done through the spread of globalization as ideas and cultures are spread.
Smith, Joseph. History of the Church. Print.
More Good
Foundation. 2006. Globalization for LDS.
(Accessed December 4, 2012)
Samuels, David
J. 2013. Comparative Politics. New York: Pearson Education. Print.
I really liked how you tied in scripture references to your overall ideas of globalization and the Church!